Wednesday 4 June 2014

Emerging Markets - A Force to Reckon With

Emerging Markets are A Key Economic Force

The emerging markets are an economic force to reckon with.  Emerging and developing markets on a whole, account for 47.7% of world GDP at purchasing power parity.  China is ranked as the 2nd largest world economy after the USA.  India, Russia and Brazil rank 4th, 6th, and 8th respectively.  

Emerging markets have significant growth potential for travel and tourism.  China for instance, has a population size of 1.3 billion citizens.  However, only 4% of the total population travelled abroad in 2013.  Similarly, a mere 1% of the Indian population travelled abroad in 2013.  Both China and India are growing by an average of 10-12% per year.  On the contrary, the traditional markets are primarily saturated.  Germany for instance, has a travel base of almost 80% of its population and has stagnant growth prospects.   China is now the number 1 travel market in the world ahead of USA, Germany and the UK.

Who are the Emerging Market Travellers?

With international travellers projected to almost double by 2020 to approximately 1.6 billion, the most significant increases are expected to take place in markets like China, India, Brazil and Russia. These markets are often referred to as “emerging markets”.

Travellers from the emerging markets are wealthy

But who are these new travellers?  Firstly, they are wealthy.  In Spite of the recession in 2008/2009 the number of millionaires in India jumped by 20.8% (the highest in the world). China had the fourth richest millionaire in the world in 2013 and added 5% more millionaires than the average for the USA, Japan and Germany, according to Merrill Lynch’s World Wealth Report.  The middle class in emerging markets is also growing apace. 

They are young, hip and happening too

Emerging market travellers are also comparatively younger than the top traditional travel markets.  The population of South Africa and India respectively, has an average age of 24.7 and 25.1 years.  Brazil’s population base is slightly older with an average age of 29 years, followed by the UAE (30.1 years) and China (34.5 years).  The populations of the traditional travel markets of Japan, Germany and the UK each has an average age of 45, 44 and 39 years respectively. 

These new travellers are also educated

Travellers from the emerging markets are also very educated. India has the 2nd highest number of individuals with tertiary level education (124.4 million).  China captured the 3rd place with just over 100 million.  Russia is in 4th place with 91 million.

They are Internet savvy

They are also very Internet savvy.  The use of the Internet to research, plan and book travel is quite a common occurrence for emerging markets.  The sheer number of online users is absolutely astounding. The Internet user population from the emerging markets, make up approximately 40% of the 2.4 billion Internet users worldwide, according to Internet World Stats 2014.  China leads with 538 million, followed by India (137 million), Brazil (88.5 million) and Russia (68 million).

They seek status from travel abroad

Many citizens of emerging markets, who are of means, enjoy the status that international travel brings and are quick to boast about their trips to their colleagues.  Culturally, there is social currency in international travel and this is a significant driver for outbound travel.

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